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    Oldbury, B68 0SH
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    0121 422 5336
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Brandhall Primary School

Brandhall School Nursery

A caring and stimulating nursery for 3-4 year olds

We offer an excellent education, a welcoming environment and flexibility for all our parents.

Our Early Years provision was rated ‘Good’ by Ofsted and our most recent Ofsted report from April 2024 can be viewed on the General Information Page.

Our Nursery staff are listed on our Meet our Staff page.


Nursery Application Form

Useful Links:

3-4 Year Old Nursery Application

Nursery Information

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Sandwell Family Information Service

What we can offer at Brandhall School Nursery:

Brandhall School Nursery offers a great early years provision for children of 3 to 4 years before they start Reception class. We provide a safe and stimulating environment in which all children are encouraged and supported to explore and learn.

We believe that young children learn most effectively through play and active learning and we provide the ideal environment to enable them to do this both indoors and outdoors. We have a vast outdoor space and children have the opportunity to take part in forest school sessions for a term of the academic year.
We also offer educational experiences which develop their confidence, independence and competence. 
The staff provide a broad, stimulating and balanced curriculum which covers the seven areas of learning, in both play based and teacher led experiences. Staff talk to the children about what they are learning and help to challenge and extend their thinking, developing new skills. With parental permission, our school dog Lolley, takes part in reading sessions within our nursery setting and this has proven to be very popular with the children!

We would like to inform parents that at Brandhall School Nursery we do not have capacity within staffing ratios to facilitate nappy changing on a regular basis, unless in the instance of a diagnosed medical or developmental condition and it is an expectation for children to be toilet trained during the daytime when starting at our nursery (we understand that accidents will happen). Please note, if your child is due to start with us and is still in nappies by their induction date, placement will be deferred until they are 'school ready'. In terms of toileting, school ready will be classed as children knowing when they need to use the toilet and how to use the toilet independently.

We have an on-site catering team and parents can opt for a hot lunch for their child, chargeable at £2.20 per day or they can provide a packed lunch. We are able to cater for dietary needs- take a look at our school menu to see what kinds of meals we have on offer.

Please complete the application form if you would like to apply for a place or alternatively, you can complete the enquiry form if you would like some more information or would like to book a visit to our setting. You can also contact our Early Years Administrator, Leah, via email at leah.truslove@brandhall.sandwell.sch.uk or by calling the school office on 0121 422 5336.

We hope to see you soon!

Our Provision:

Here at Brandhall Nursery, we offer funded and fee paying places for 3-4 year olds, starting from the term after their 3rd birthday. Our provision is flexible in offering places that can be accessed with funded hours only, with no extra charges applicable:

-Monday 9am-3pm, Tuesday 9am-3pm and Wednesday 9am-12pm (15 funded hours per week)

-Wednesday 12:15-3:15pm, Thursday 9am-3pm and Friday 9am-3pm (15 funded hours per week)

-Monday to Friday 9am-3pm (30 funded hours per week)

-3 days per week from 8am-6pm (30 hours per week, subject to availability)

Parents also have the option to access wraparound care on a chargeable basis through our on-site extended services, open from 7:30am each morning until 6pm each evening. Please note, places in breakfast and after school club are offered on a first come, first served basis and we have a limited number of places available.

In addition to free government funded places, we also offer fee paying places. Fee paying places that are less than 5 days per week are subject to capacity. Please see our application form to see all of our provision options.

Available Spaces

We offer a termly intake (September, January, April) depending on places available in our 3-4 room.

In order to add your child on to our admissions/waiting list, we require all sections of the application form to be completed, along with proof of date of birth and evidence of funding eligibility if necessary.

Please email Leah via the email address above for place enquiries or updates.

New Admissions- Information Pack Documents

We are delighted that you have chosen to start your child's pre-school journey here at Brandhall Primary School and we look forward to welcoming you to our Brandhall family.

Our EYFS administrator, Leah, will be in touch with induction plans, prior to your child joining us and we hope this will aid in a positive and happy transition for your child.

We have included information below and resources that will help support the start of your child's pre-school journey. If you do have any queries or any worries in the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact us on 0121 422 5336 or email leah.truslove@brandhall.sandwell.sch.uk.

*Data Forms 

(Required on Induction)

School Information

Starting Pre-School


Registration Form General Information Barnardo's Family Space
Medical Form Nursery Information NHS- Toileting
Permissions Form

Getting Your Child Ready

For Nursery

Toileting Tips- Health Visitor
**Early Years Pupil Premium Form EYFS Learning & Development Physical Development
Childcare Funding & Fee Agreement Lunch Letter Happy Talk
SMBC Parent Declaration Form School Menu Listen and Learn
30 Hour Consent Form Calendar The Numbers Game
Extended Services Enquiry Form Brandhall Beat Mark Making

*Please click here for our Privacy Notice.

*Nursery children are not eligible for free school meals as they are not compulsory school age. Here at Brandhall, we have started an initiative where those who are eligible for Early Years Pupil Premium can use part of this funding to cover the cost of hot lunches. If you believe you are eligible, please complete the form above and return to the school office with your child's data forms on their induction day.

Do you qualify for free childcare?

All children receive 15 hours of free funding per week the term after their 3rd birthday and parents will not need to provide eligibility of this to the setting. For 3-4 year olds, extended funding of 30 hours per week may be awarded to those who meet the eligibility criteria and parents must reconfirm their code on the GOV.uk website each term. Your 30 hour eligibility code, along with your national insurance number, must also be provided to the setting if you wish to register for the extended hours, prior to your child's start date.

The funding term dates are as follows:

Born between 1st April to 31st August for autumn funding (September-December)

Born between 1st September to 31st December for spring funding (January-March)

Born between 1st January to 31st March for summer funding (April-July)

Universal 15 Hour Funding for 3-4 Year Olds

30 Hours Free Childcare for 3-4 Year Olds


Brandhall Nursery Learning and Development Links

Please see below a list of websites to support the learning and development of children in our 3-4 nursery setting, though these are not compulsory to use.

Reading at Brandhall Nursery- Text Overview

Top Marks


Crickweb Early Years

Phonics Play

Busy Things

Oxford Owl