Remote Learning
If you have any queries regarding our remote learning policy/offer, please contact our Head Teacher on 0121 422 5336.
Please find below the results of our survey sent out in regards to our remote learning offer:
Remote Learning Survey Results
Help with Online Resource Logins
If you have any issues with logging into your child(ren)'s online resources, please speak to your child's class teacher.RM Unify (Children's Email) and Purple Mash
Username: first letter of forename and surname
Example: Lolley Abbiss = L.Abbiss
(some children will either have 1 or 2 at the end of their name)
Password: the password used to login to school computers during I.T (located in planners)
Bug Club
Username: first letter of forename and surname
Example: Lolley Abbiss = L.Abbiss
(some children will either have 1 or 2 at the end of their name)
Password: unique password given to child (located in planners)
School Code: r7t6
TT Rockstars
Username: first 3 letters of first name and first 3 letters of surname
Example: Lolley Abbiss= lolabb
Password: unique password given to child (located in planners)
Collins Ebooks (Reception and KS1)
Username: ukbrand plus first name and surname (all lowercase, no spaces)
Example: Lolley Abbiss= ukbrandlolleyabbiss
Password: unique password given to child (located in planners)
Useful Links
Guidance Videos